
Our Platform

Unlike most companies offering similar services, VAgents come with a state of the art platform featuring campaign creation, workflow automation, robust reporting, API integrations, webhooks and more - all in one place.

No longer do you need expensive and unpredictable call centers or overworked and high-churn human resources to support your business and customers.

How it Works


We Train Your VAgent

It all starts with our prompt engineers who review scripts, transcripts, rules and documentation to understand how your VAgent needs to handle customer interactions.


Fine Tuning and Testing

We further align the model via a series of test calls and conversations to understand the parameters and limitations when handling conversations. This will include QA testing with your team to confirm your VAgents are properly prepared to go out into the world.


Upload and Integrate Data

VAgents are trained to both make outbound calls and handle inbound calls. If you have leads with proper consent to contact them, you may post them in real time via API or upload them to the platform and assign them to campaigns across your VAgent team.


Campaign Design

The VAgent flow builder is used to create the cadence, set the rules and ensure the goals for each campaign are met. This will include strict adherence to best practices for compliance and deliverability.


Launch Campaign

Once we ensure your VAgents are trained, leads are being uploaded or posted properly, and your campaign is designed to your satisfaction, we are ready to launch your campaign.


Add More VAgents

Once you experience the VAgents, we know you will want to add more. Don't worry, onboarding more VAgents takes minutes, not weeks.

But wait, there's more...

*White-Gloved Prompt Engineering

For a limited time, every client receives white-gloved custom prompt engineering for their VAgent to provide the highest quality training.

Lowest Latency

The latency or delay between customers and VAgents is the lowest in the industry providing a superior experience.

Robust API & Webhook

Integrate your VAgent with thousands of Dialers, CRMs, and CCaaS solutions.

DNC & Compliance Detection

VAgent’s compliance and monitoring intelligence understands semantic intent as well as specific DNC related language.

PII and PHI Redacted Call Recording

To protect the privacy of customer data and for compliance purposes, campaigns with calls recorded including PII and PHI can have that data removed from the recordings.

No Interactions Go Undocumented

To ensure you can provide the highest quality customer experience, your VAgent will document, store, and post all relevant information captured.